I love shopping Craigslist but I usually don’t buy most of the stuff that I want too. If the price isn’t too high, I tend to not want to drive all over to pick stuff up. I don’t have a truck or a trailer so most often, it takes me two trips to get things […]
Tag: dresser
Distressed Dresser Project
I have been wanting to distress a piece of furniture for awhile now. We have several pieces in our home that we purchased already distressed but the process always intimidated me. After getting this gorgeous dresser from Ashley’s folks I decided to give it a try. Oh, did I mention that this dresser actually belonged to Ashley’s […]
Dresser to Desk Project
A few weeks ago my wife showed me a project on Pinterest where someone took an old table, cut a few feet off the top and mounted it on the wall to make it into a desk. We were in the planning stages of a room remodel for our daughters and thought something like this […]